Thursday, September 23, 2004

John "16:3" Kerry? Nope.

Have you recently gotten an e-mail about John Kerry that went something like this?

Kerry gave a big speech last week about how his faith is so "important" to him. In this attempt to convince the American people that we should consider him for president, he announced that his favorite Bible verse is John 16:3...Of course the speech writer meant John 3:16, but nobody in the Kerry camp was familiar enough with scripture to catch the error. And do you know what John 16:3 says? John 16:3 says; "They will do such things because they have not known the Father or me." The Spirit works in strange ways.

Or maybe you read the same thing about George W Bush. Apparently, it has even gone around about Al Gore back in 1999. But it is just an urban legend. The closest thing to it came from Cal Thomas about George Bush, Sr. But even then, there were apparently no other witnesses.

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