Thursday, September 16, 2004

Kerry's New Approach: Relevance?

Is it possible that John Kerry has actually decided to talk about something important with two months left in the campaign? It struck me as almost novel yesterday when I heard him attack the President's handling of post-war Iraq as incompetent. He's spent months attacking the war (which went absurdly well) and the reasons for war (which are still plenty) but now I think Kerry might actually be finally finding a message.

There's no doubt that a great number of Americans, even those of us who supported the war, are frustrated with the manner in which the post-war process has happened. The Bush White House has been arrogant and unwilling to change in face of a growing threat from violent terrorists. In many ways, the President has bungled the "occupation" and has refused to deal with it. It seems lately as if the policy is "Pretend everything's good until after the election." I remember when we were hearing that the attacks would ease off after the transfer of power, instead they're becoming more brazen. True, there have been less American deaths but the violence is escalating and becoming more open. If Kerry can erode away the perception of the President as a capable Commander-in-Chief, then he might also be able to erode the President's strong ratings in the WOT. But we will see if Kerry can keep up a constant message and if that message will find support among the voters.

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