Tuesday, September 21, 2004

New x86 Emulation Technology Coming to a Mac Near You?

Ever since a new start-up company showed off an Apple G4 Powerbook playing an x86 (i.e. Intel or AMD) compiled version of Quake at near-native speeds, people have been wondering what this new technology might mean for the relative dearth of games for the Macintosh platform. Now MacOSRumors is reporting that Apple may be considering integrating this technology into MacOS X 10.4, a.k.a. Tiger. While this seems unlikely to me (they had their chance when they first introduced MacOS X 10.0 without a "Red Box") it is interesting. And if this software is as amazing as the marketing department claims (and since when is anything as great as marketing claims?) then it might really change the processor landscape everywhere, and provide the MacOS on an Intel platform with no new programming!

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