Saturday, September 25, 2004

One Man, One Vote Not Enough for the Boortz?

TownHall.Com has up an article by Niel Boortz where he argues that the concept of "one man, one vote" is foolish. He argues that either voters should recieve a competency test showing a minimum of political knowledge and understanding, or that votes should be issues on a "shares" basis where those who pay more in taxes get more "shares." Thus, Bill Gates would get something like 100,000 votes, the average man would get 1 vote, and anyone on welfare would get no votes.

This is just insane. Well, not insane but definitely against the ideas that founded America. Our idea is that anyone who matters gets a vote. A vote is what gives every citizen power, and ensures that every person has a stake in society. Without this, those who are already at the bottom of socety are given no place within it, and those at the top are ensured to stay there for all time.

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