Monday, October 04, 2004

Brotherhood of the Fossils

The big news anchors are circling the wagons. They must know how desperate things have become for their futures. To hear Broke-kaw howl about the "jihad" against Rather is just hilarious. It's especially ironic since he won't use that title to describe the actions of psychotic mass-murderers but he'll apply it to bloggers.

At least Jennings admitted that Rather was wrong. And the most enlightening moment came when he argued that "You can't judge someone's character based on one incident." I couldn't agree more. Thankfully, we have a full thirty year history of Rather's blatant bias, poor reporting, and generally out-of-touch uselessness. We don't need one event to judge, we've got many.

These three know that audiences increasingly don't listen to what they say, or even tune in to watch them. First the people went to cable news where they have found a new home. Now, they're even moving further away to the blogsphere. It's hardly the time for bloggers to pat themselves on the back, but it is time to say goodnight to the Brotherhood of the Fossils at the alphabet stations. Go quietly into that night, gentlemen. Do us all a favor.

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