Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Lunatic Left Watch

Sigh...If it's not the draft scare than it's some type of apocolyptic scenario. The lunatic left must just be really, truly terrified of this election. Now there's another "annonymous source" predicting the end of the world if President Bush is relected. You have to watch a ten second commercial to get into the the site but it's worth it just to get a sense of how unhinged these people have become. It's truly pathetic. And really, how many people in the administration can there be with this kind of access who are so blatently opposed to anything that the administration does? It seems kind of odd that the left trots out this continual parade of "insiders" who somehow all manage to hate the President. Is there anyone in the White House who isn't a double agent for the left? And guess where I found the story linked from? None other than DU...What a surprise!

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