Monday, October 04, 2004

Wondering What The Left Calls Partisanship? Calling Bush "President"

So, you are a public school teacher. Horrified with the level of political ignorance in this country (i.e. people don't know who the president or vice president are) you post a bulletin board in your class that simply posts a picture of every president since George Washington. The kids see a picture of every president and have to learn who they are. Good stuff, right? Not if you are a John Kerry supporter. Apparently, teacher from Monmouth County, NJ did just this and got fired for it. Apparently, parents at back-to-school night confronted her for the picture of George W Bush and demanded she post a picture John Kerry, too, or take it down. She refused, stating that GWB was the 43rd president of the United States, and she would only post a Kerry picture after the election if he won. Upon hearing complaints, the vice principle disciplined her strongly for "airing her political views" and then the principle sent her home and demanded she hand over her keys.

Amazing. Apparently, even reality is offensive to Democrats this days, if it is contrary to their preferred view of the world.

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