Thursday, October 19, 2006

"Dirty Bomb" Threat for NFL

I have been debating whether or not to post this, because it could just be giving time to an attention-starved nut. But finally, I decided I had to post something.

A website is claiming that seven NFL football stadiums will be hit with radiological dirty bombs this weekend, but the government on Wednesday expressed doubts about the threat.
The warningt, posted Oct. 12, was part of an ongoing Internet conversation titled "New Attack on America Be Afraid." It mentioned NFL stadiums in New York, Miami, Atlanta, Seattle, Houston, Oakland and Cleveland, where games are scheduled to be held this weekend.
The Homeland Security Department alerted authorities and stadium owners in those cities, as well as the NFL, of the Web message but said the threat was being viewed "with strong skepticism." Officials at the NCAA, which oversees college athletics, said they too had been notified.
At this point, the threat is believed to be the deranged rantings of an immature mind. But since 9/11, we have been reminded to think about the unthinkable. A "dirty bomb" is a conventional explosive wrapped in radioactive materials intended to spread fallout over a wide distance and kill by means of radiation poisoning. A terror weapon in the truest sense, because its immediate effects are likely to be minimal but it could (might, maybe, no one really knows) wind up killing later via poisoning, increased cancer rates, etc.

I really, really hate football, but even I don't think this is funny. If this is real, let the bomber know our anger will be virtually unmatched in history. If this is fake, I hope they find the idiot who posted it and toss them in jail for a long, long time. This is not a case of free speech.

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