Friday, February 23, 2007

Nomad is back

Okay, we can take this as a sort of declaration of intent. After the whole debacle with Anonymous in the Shoutbox, I took some time off of Mod-Blog. Our readers may have noticed the relative dearth of posts from me over the last week or so, as I have tried to get my head on straight after having been called just about every name in the book, and several that were cut from the book because they made no sense. After a week of soul-searching, I have decided this simply indicates that Mod-Blog is no longer the safe haven from the internet trolls that I had thought it was. One of the advantages of being a small blog - read mostly by friends, family, and long-time readers - is that we did not have to deal with people whose only reason for living is to cause ulcers for the sane. That advantage apparently no longer exists. My peacemaker nature immediately made me consider quitting Mod-Blog - is it worth my time and energy to be part of a blog where all I ever see or hear about is abuse? But I have decided that Mod-Blog is no less valuable or useful now than before.

So here is the deal. Nomad is going to return to posting. However, expect me to be a bit less responsive to comments and shoutbox than before. If I decide you are a troll or just trying to make me mad, I am not going to react. I am not going to respond to you at all. I am going to ignore you and move on. If anyone starts to try and take over the shoutbox with such comments, we will revoke it entirely. On the other hand, we are NOT trying to silence other viewpoints. Many times I have posted articles from BowHunter - some of which agreed with us, some of which opposed us - and if you are capable of putting together a well-written, insightful, and most of all reasonable article, send it to me and you also may be posted.

Apologies to anyone I was whining to the last week or so. I see now, it was just a hurt ego and I need to be a man and get over it.

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