Well, I'm typing this post from my "upgraded" home office. It's "upgraded" because I've brought just about everything that I use from work from the work office to the home office. I would love to say that this is completely good news, but sadly, I can not.
For those that don't know, the big prayer request has been regarding funding for my company (which will remain nameless so as to try to keep bad press about the company off of Google, etc.). This funding was supposed to come around Thanksgiving and has kept getting put off. Various excuses were given, but the long and the short of it is that we don't have the money to keep paying the bills so we're vacating the office, we've let everyone go, and a few of us are basically giving whatever time and effort we can to keep the company going in hopes of getting said funding and having our stock be worth something.
Now, some might say that I should wake up and see that God is clearly saying "No" and that I should move on to the next option. I don't see that. If He was saying "No", we wouldn't be able to do this backup plan. I believe that God is saying "Wait". Why? I have no clue. I do know that God always answers and He never answers late. He also rarely answers early. Is He late on this? I've wondered if God and I are using the same calendar, but I cling to the fact that He never answers late. There is some purpose to this trial and I am to consider it joy, as it says in James.
Even in this trial, God has chosen to take care of us. My wife and I are fine as she has her job. We've also got that plan that will allow us to keep the company open and still allow everyone to pay their bills.
Today a song by Nicole Nordman was playing in my iTunes playlist that I've latched onto. The song is called Small Enough and the lyrics can be found here. Sitting by myself in the office building with price tags on the furniture, I must admit that this one set of lines from the song I specifically identify with
All praise and all the honor be;
To the God of ancient mysteries.
Whose every sign and wonder turn the pages of our history.
But tonight my heart is heavy,
And I cannot keep from whispering this prayer.
Are You there?
Well, this has been a long, rambling post, but I hope that some can take encouragement from this as they face the trials in their own lives. God will always answer and He is never late in his answer. Sometimes He just calls on us to trust and wait.
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