Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Construction Worker Tries To Curse Yankees

Perhaps it's because I have no love for the Yankees, but I find this story funny. A construction worker buried a Red Sox jersey in the concrete of the new Yankees stadium being built. The funniest part is the reaction... the Yankees spent 5 hours drilling it out of the concrete and have discussed criminal charges with the DA. Should he have buried the jersey? No, but the way they are going on about it, you'd almost think that he buried somebody and not something.


Sean said...

This is just silly. It's clear that I'm not a Redsox fan, but if it had been a Yankees fan then I'd say the same thing. When are we going to move beyond silly superstitions and just enjoy the game. Ugh!

Anonymous said...

As amusing as that stunt was (and I am a Yankee fan), there are other consequences. It was my company who dug up the jersey. Between use of the equipment and all union personnel getting double time for working on a Sunday, it cost $50,000.00 to get that jersey out of the concrete. The ones who put it there will probably have to pay for that. This sort of thing not only costs money, but time that could have been spent in actual construction to get the stadium ready for opening day 2009, It is on schedule for that opening.

Anonymous said...

also, what does a large jersey do to the structural integrity of the structure?

Nomad said...

What did one fat middle-aged man's departure have to do with the Red Sox going so many decades without a World Series? Sometimes the imagination can be our worst enemy.

Anonymous said...

I imangine so. Oops!

CRCHAIR said...

The only good thing for the story is that the jersey will be auctioned off with all the proceeds going to the Jimmy fund. If someone was smart, they would donate the money to pay for the cost of digging the thing up. and let the guy who buried it off with a warning. It was a stupid thing to do, but was in good fun.

quizwedge said...

I doubt they want him to get off with a warning. The way they were talking, sounds like they'd rather have a pound of flesh.