Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Superstreets, not just for Superman

City planners are now singing the praises of what they call "Superstreets". These streets feature no left turns. Basically, all turns are right turns to enter or exit the street and then periodically there are U-turns set up for if you want to go the opposite way. Current studies have shown that traveling these streets is 20% faster and you are 40% less likely to have an accident.


"Nick" said...

It is also 100% more likely to make you extremely frustrated because you have to make at least 4 turns to get to that stupid shop you can see from the corner but CAN'T MAKE A DARN LEFT TURN TO GET TO! GAH!

BH said...

Just look at New Jersey. If that works for you... then I will be somewhere else.

Nomad said...

I visited a town with one of these "Superroads" this last year, and as a newcomer it was almost impossible to figure out how to get to the place I was going. I had to go past, take a right, do a U-turn, then go onto a side street before finally getting to the parking lot. Had it not been for a date, I might have simply decided it wasn't worth the trouble and gone somewhere else.

shadowmom1 said...

Reminds me of the one-way hallways and stairwells we had in my high school. These were needed because of the overcrowding of our Baby Boomer classes. It was very frustrating when you had to circle the school to get to a room one or two doors away.