Friday, March 25, 2011

A Moment of Peace and Stillness

Definitely feel like after the last few weeks, I could use a moment to catch my breath. I suspect the same is true for most of us. And a reminder that the world is bigger than our little frantic corner of it.

This is NOT a photo I took. Click thru to get back to the original photographer on Flickr.

I can tell that he's kind of smiling.


BH said...

if you don't mind I would also like to add a video to this tranquil state. I have been feeling the same weight lately so I made this video a few weeks ago. It is a compilation of hymns played by a good friend of mine and some footage I took in one of the most remote hiking areas I have ever been.

shadowmom1 said...

I could feel my muscles relax as I looked at this picture.