Sunday, September 19, 2004

An Answer to Fahrenheit 9/11?

A new group (probably one of the infamous 527s) has up a trailer for a new documentary called "Celsius 41.11". The gimick of the title, besides being an obvious takeoff of Michael Moore's obvious take-off, is that it is the "temperature at which the brain begins to die." I have no idea whether the film will be any good - at least Mr. Moore is a skilled documentary filmmaker and humorist - but the trailer itself is very powerful and worth a look. If you saw the commercials for Fahrenheit 9/11, and wondered if Michael Moore lived in the same world where the towers fell, this may be the antidote.

It appears the funding organization Citizens United is a "conservative thinktank". i.e. A group of highly conservative partisans who want to influence the election. I liked the trailer and they have up several other interesting commercials that I'll be taking a look at. Looks like the "Swift Boat Veterans for Truth" aren't the only people that MoveOn.Org has inspired to answer John Kerry.

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