Sunday, September 19, 2004

Why Does CNN Still Employ Begala and Carville?

This week one of the big news stories this week has been is the takeover of the Kerry campaign by Clintonistas like James Carville and Paul Begala. I have been waiting all week for an announcement by CNN that these two hyper-partisans are no longer their hosts for Crossfire. Instead, they are still hosts and CNN almost seems to be gloating over their employment of key Kerry advisors.

Get a clue, CNN! The reason the public trusts the big news agencies less and less these days (except for Fox News) are these kinds of clear conflicts of interest. It was bad enough when Viacom had 60 Minutes hawking the newest novels from their publishing arm. But now, you actually have John Kerry's campaign heads "commenting" on the race. I don't care how official their capacity is, this is a clear conflict of interest or at the very least a strong appearance of impropriety. Unless you plan to get Karl Rove and Andrew Card to serve as the conservative co-hosts of Crossfire, get these people off the air!!!

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