Wednesday, April 04, 2018

Political Fallacies: Ideas vs Teams

A recent study confirmed what I have been observing over the last dozen years or so.  In the USA, politics is no longer a battle of ideas but a competition between teams.

Of course, it has always been so to some extent.  Politics is the science of forming coalitions to further personal goals.  This is why we have a Congress to pass laws instead of an enlightened king or executive: only by forming coalitions can we ensure that the top priorities of the maximum number are achieved. This is also why we have political parties:  to allow people to come together and form an alliance that achieves goals that not everyone wants but that everyone in the party can live with.

But while parties and coalitions drive votes, it has been ideas that have driven the parties.  From the beginning of the nation, political parties worked to ensure their top priorities were based on more than personal preferences and piques.  Federalism and Anti-Federalism were defining issues because the first generation had severe disagreements over whether centralization or decentralization were better for the freedom of the individual and the good of the nation.  (We are still fighting that battle in the Gun Control debate, among others.)  Kennedy to Reagan defended Democracy over Communism not only as a practical matter but also in the arena of ideas as they fought in the Cold War.  As recently as President Bill Clinton, the debates over Health Care Reform were over the idea of a government-run universal system and a privately-run independent system.  Which was really better for the consumer, the nation, and the world?

Something different has followed the rise of social media.  We no longer are talking about big ideas.  The formation of echo chambers where we only speak with those who agree with us have eliminated the need to defend a position.  Instead, we defend our "friends" against all attackers, right or wrong.  Our political parties have turned into teams.  And like the Yankees or the Red Sox, it no longer matters who has the best players, best managers, best philosophy, or best mascot.  We support our team simply because it is OUR team.

What is the problem with this?  There are several, which you have probably noticed in the politics of the last 8 years or so:

  1. If you support a Team instead of a Philosophy, you find yourself loving or hating people based on their allegiance instead of their character.
  2. If you support a Team instead of an Idea, you find yourself supporting and defending things that you don't actually believe.
  3. If you support a Team instead of an Ethical System, you see no problem in hating someone simply because they support the other team.
My challenge to you:  STOP SUPPORTING YOUR TEAM, RIGHT OR WRONG, AND GET BACK TO LOOKING AT THE IDEAS YOU VALUE.  You may be surprised to find out who you've been helping or hurting while you were busy playing the political game.

1 comment:

LiAn Gemstone said...

đá aquamarine
Giới thiệu về đá Aquamarine
- Đá Aquamarine như một lá bùa hộ mệnh bởi vì họ tin rằng nó sẽ giúp cho người sở hữu thêm dũng cảm và giàu nhiệt huyết chiến đấu, là lá bùa tình yêu mang lại sự bình an, hạnh phúc bền vững cho các đôi uyên ương.
Công dụng của đá Aquamarine
- Là biểu tượng của hòa bình và thịnh vượng: một loại đá quý mang lại trí tuệ, cảm xúc và sự chân thành, vừa tôn vinh vẻ đẹp vừa là vật hộ thân đem lại may mắn cho người sở hữu.
- Nguồn năng lượng tích cực của loại đá này có tác dụng tốt cho hệ miễn dịch, ngăn ngừa việc mất nước, điều trị ợ hơi và chứng ngáp ngủ, hỗ trợ điều trị một số bệnh về hàm, cổ họng và giảm đau răng hiệu quả.
- Giúp người sử dụng cởi mở hợn, mở rộng nhiều mối quan hệ xã hội, sự nghiệp ngày càng thăng tiến
- Giúp cân bằng cảm xúc, xua tan đi mọi lo lắng, phiền muộn.
- Đá aquamarine là viên đá dành cho những bạn sinh tháng 3 và nó cũng chính là viên đá kỉ niệm 19 năm ngày cưới.
thạch anh tóc tam tài
vòng tay phong thủy
đá kyanite
ngọc hồng lựu
đá ngọc bích